29 June 2021

Efficient Home Affairs permit services required for economic recovery after Covid Press Release to all media: No Embargo 

Submitted by: Leon

The poor implementation of visa and permit processes in South Africa costs the country between R10-15 billion rand per year. This is the view of Leon Isaacson, CEO of Global Migration Group, an Immigration agency providing visa application services to individuals and corporates from all of over the world.

Isaacson says that the Covid epidemic has highlighted the problems with policy and implementation and delayed the issuing of temporary residence visas inside South Africa for up to six months. " Clearly Covid has taken its toll on staffing numbers and staff health, so Home Affairs has been extending visas for 3-6 months at time to allow people to stay legal."The permanent residence permit backlog has been building for a while, and the company felt compelled to take the matter to court on behalf of 180 applicants who have been waiting for up to six years for their applications. It is highly prejudicial for long term residents to be without permanent residence, as banking facilities, education, emloyment and related issues are dependent on this status." We expect Home Affairs to settle this case as they have said that they don't want more litigation," said Isaacson.

There is a high correlation between efficient visa systems and economic benefit, as all of these people contribute locally in some way.

Another area which will require litigation to settle the matters, is the long distance trucking industry. There has been a repeating cycle of violence against foreign truck drivers, who move goods into South Africa from SADEC countries, in terms of a treaty which is about 100 years old.Trade in goods through SADEC and South Africa as the host of some of the main sea ports, totals almost R10billion a year, and this is disrupted annually through protests and violence by disaffected groups and rivals in this sector. " A group of interested parties will be presenting some proposals to the Minister which will streamline the visa processes and create more certainty in the industry, and the larger economy. We have taken high level legal advice on this matter and will be convening a task group to manage the process going forward. Interested parties can join us by contacting us on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 021-419-0934."

For further information please contact Leon Isaacson on 082-499-4535 or e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.