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Over-Reliance Linked to Increased Risk of Asthma Attacks and Death

Asthma is an inflammatory condition of the airways affecting more than 339-million1 people globally. In South Africa, more than 20% of children and 10-15% of adults have asthma2. For those living with the illness, it can reduce quality of life in varying degrees and it’s not uncommon to be hospitalised during an attack. Despite changes in the approach to treatment and evidenced-based medications to manage the condition, an alarming number of South Africans still die from asthma every year.

With the fifth highest asthma death rate in the world3, the importance of local research such as the recently published SABINA III study cannot be overstated. The new study primarily set out to review asthma SABA prescription patterns among South African patients. The findings were conclusive, showing over-prescription and over-the-counter purchase of the reliever pump to be widespread, despite the new guidelines in place for treating the illness. According to Professor Ismail Kalla, Pulmonologist, Head of Department - Internal Medicine, University of Witwatersrand, the significant overuse of the blue SABA reliever pump is a serious problem for South African asthma patients.

Prof Kalla adds that for decades asthmatic patients have been overusing their blue SABA symptom-reliever inhaler (which provides rapid and temporary relief) and underusing their anti-inflammatory maintenance medication. Many patients feel dependent on their SABA blue inhaler, mistakenly believing this to be the best way to control their symptoms.

“In line with the new global, and locally endorsed asthma treatment guidelines, we no longer prescribe SABA blue reliever inhalers alone as the preferred reliever therapy for mild asthma. Instead, we recommend the use of a low-dose inhaled corticosteroid (ICS) formoterol therapy as needed, regardless of asthma disease severity.4 This combination inhaler contains an anti-inflammatory agent which reduces inflammation of the airways and provides controlled relief.”

Despite the new way of treating asthma, the SABINA III results indicate a slow uptake of the new guidelines. Nearly 75% of the study patients used more than three SABA canisters in the previous 12 months and over 55% were prescribed more than 10 SABA canisters.

“These figures are extremely concerning, as there is increasing evidence that SABA overuse, and in particular the use of more than three pumps a year, is associated with an increased risk of asthma attacks, hospitalisations and death5,6,” explains Prof Kalla.[10,11] “Patients who are using this many blue pumps in a year should speak to their doctor immediately to re-examine and revise their asthma treatment plan.”

Prof Kalla goes on to explain that chronic control relies on anti-inflammatory maintenance7 and this applies to all asthma patients - whether their illness has been classified as mild, moderate or severe7. He adds that the approach to treatment and management of asthma is almost identical and reducing inflammation is at the heart of it8.

“What’s more, patients with mild asthma must recognise that their disease severity doesn’t preclude them from having an asthma attack9,10. The risk is equally as high regardless of disease severity, adherence to treatment, or level of control11,12,13,” warns Prof Kalla.

Congruently, the SABINA III study found that more than 50% of mild asthmatic patients have uncontrolled symptoms. Not taking maintenance medication as prescribed is believed to be the reason for continued poor control. Of these 501 patients analysed, 60% were uncontrolled or only partly controlled. Nearly 50% had experienced more than one severe asthma attack in the 12 months before the study.

Prof Kalla says that this is significant because mild asthmatic patients are regarded as the silent majority of asthmatics. “One could say labelling asthma as mild is a misnomer because you are still equally at risk of attacks.”

When it comes to childhood asthma the same treatment recommendations apply. Moreover, in children, mild asthma is more frequent, symptomatic, and less controlled than in adults14,15. But, as with adults, everything boils down to reducing inflammation and the overuse of their SABA inhaler also increases their risk of an attack. If inflammation and swelling are not treated, over time the airway walls may thicken permanently, preventing them from working efficiently.

“While there’s no cure for asthma it can be controlled and it’s important that asthmatics partner with their doctor to develop a solid asthma treatment plan that prioritises reducing inflammation safely. Asthma causes permanent inflammation of the airways and as such if you reduce your inflammation you reduce your risks,” says Prof Kalla. “To illustrate how dangerous this inflammation can be for those who live with asthma, a global study reports that excessive inflammation causes 176-million asthma attacks annually16. These attacks can be frightening, dangerous, and can be costly for the patients.”

To educate people living with asthma, and to help them reduce their risk of attacks, AstraZeneca is running the Break Over-Reliance campaign. Asthma patients can assess their levels of over-reliance through a digital assessment tool, known as the Reliever Reliance Test. This evidence-based questionnaire empowers patients to assess their over-reliance on their blue reliever inhaler, SABA17, by answering five short questions.

Prof Kalla says, “I strongly urge that everyone living with asthma take the test – it’s easy to navigate and will help them understand whether they are relying too heavily on their SABA. If the results indicate over-reliance, then that information can facilitate conversations with their health care professional about their asthma management.

“Recognising that the use of a SABA blue inhaler to control asthma symptoms actually masks symptoms and increases the risk of asthma attacks1,10,11 – action to correct asthmatic compliance has never been more important. When you consider that South Africa’s prevalence of asthma is among the highest in the world, the case for better control is urgently needed,” concludes Kalla.

For more information about the Break Over-Reliance campaign and to take the Reliever Reliance Test, visit:

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1. The Global Asthma Report 2018. Asthma%20Report%202018.pdf (accessed 26 October 2022)

2. The Global Asthma report south Africa. Available at Accessed August 2021.

3. The Global Asthma report south Africa. Available at Accessed August 2021.

4. Global strategy for Asthma Management and prevention. Global initiative for Asthma (GINA)2021. Available from uploads/2021/05/GINA-Main-Report-2021-V2-WMS.pdf. Accessed August 2021.

5. Nwaru BI, Ekström M, Hasvold P, Wiklund F, Telg G, Janson C. Overuse of short-acting β2-agonists in asthma is associated with increased risk of exacerbation and mortality: A nationwide cohort study of the global SABINA programme. Eur Respir J 2020;55(4):1901872.

6. Bloom CI, Cabrera C, Arnetorp S, et al. Asthma-related health outcomes associated with short-acting β2-agonist inhaler use: An observational UK study as part of the SABINA Global Program. Adv Ther 2020;37(10):4190-4208.

7. P.M. O Byrne. How much is too much? The treatment of mild asthma. EUR RESPIR J. 2007(30):403-406.

8. Global strategy for Asthma Management and prevention. Global initiative for Asthma (GINA)2021. Available from uploads/2021/05/GINA-Main-Report-2021-V2-WMS.pdf. Accessed August 2021.

9. Papi A et al. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract. 2018;6:1989-1998.

10. Price D et al. NPJ Prim Care Respir Med. 2014;24:14009.

11. Papi A et al. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract. 2018;6:1989-1998.

12. Price D et al. NPJ Prim Care Respir Med. 2014;24:14009.

13. Fitzgerald J, Branes J, Ghipps E, et al. The burden of exacerbations in mild asthma: a systematic review. ERJ Open Res. 2020;6:00359-2019.

14. Dusser D, Montani D, Chanez P, et al. Mild asthma: an expert review on epidemiology, clinical characteristics and treatment recommendations. Allergy.2007;62:591–604.

15. O'Byrne. Daily inhaled corticosteroid treatment should be prescribed for mild persistent asthma. Am J Respir crit care med. 2005;172:410-416.

16. Sastre J et al. World Allergy Organ J. 2016;9:13.

17. International Primary Care Respiratory Group. Blue Reliever Reliance Test. Available at: [Last accessed: July 2020]

18. Global Initiative for Asthma. Global Strategy for Asthma Management and Prevention. 2020 Update. Available at: report_20_06_04-1-wms.pdf Last accessed July 2020.

19. Price D, et al. Asthma control and management in 8,000 European patients: the Recognise Asthma and Link to Symptoms and Experience (REALISE) survey. NPJ Prim Care Respir Med. 2014; 24: 14009.

20. Pavord ID, Beasley R, Agusti A, et al. After asthma: redefining airways diseases. Lancet. 2017; 391: 350-400.

21. Smith C et al. Afr J Thoracic Crit Care Med 2022;28(4):172-180


AstraZeneca (South Africa) is a global, science-led biopharmaceutical company that focuses on the discovery, development and commercialisation of prescription medicines, primarily for the treatment of diseases in three therapy areas - Oncology, Cardiovascular, Renal and Metabolism, and Respiratory & Immunology. AstraZeneca operates in over 100 countries and its innovative medicines are used by millions of patients worldwide. For more information, please visit


Developed and to contact on behalf of AstraZeneca:
SIMONSAYS communications
Melanie Stevens
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Published in Health and Medicine

Embarking on a remarkable endeavour, Angela Yeung, the visionary founder of the Impilo Collection Foundation and the ambassador of brand South Africa – play your part, is gearing up for an extraordinary climb up the daunting Manaslu, standing tall at 8,136 meters. This challenge surpasses her previous triumph on the Island Peak at 6,200 meters last year.

Manaslu, dubbed the "mountain of the spirit," graces the ranks as the eighth-highest peak globally, nestled within Nepal's majestic Himalayas. The mountain's name is rooted in the Sanskrit term "manasa," signifying "intellect" or "soul."

The driving force behind Angela's ascent is a compelling mission - to spotlight and combat the harrowing issue of gender-based violence (GBV). Angela's daring expedition aims to channel funds towards an educational sanctuary that will empower and uplift young women who have faced the brunt of GBV.

"Angela declares, "We face a mountain to climb, one that symbolizes the path to women's empowerment through education. This journey is the stepping stone to independence and self-reliance."

Partnering with The Sherpa Legends, including the illustrious Mingma Chhiri Sherpa, who has conquered Everest six times and Manaslu thrice, Angela seeks to leverage her climb's impact and inspire change.

Impilo Collection Foundation has already demonstrated its prowess in addressing GBV through its #EmpowerHer campaign, a testament to its dedication. The campaign's impactful display of 6,200 bras at Johannesburg's Constitution Hill and subsequent distribution to GBV shelters during International Women’s Month 2022 has left a lasting impact.

Intriguingly, the collection of 8,848 bras - representing the height of Mount Everest - is a novel pursuit of social warriors who stand resolute against GBV.

Angela's philanthropic accomplishments are noteworthy, with this marking her fourth fundraising climb. Her vision transcends personal achievements, aiming to establish an annual drive for essentials like bras and sanitary pads. Collaborating with fellow mountaineers, Angela endeavors to cast awareness amidst the clouds.

The ascent is scheduled from September 1st to October 5th, held in collaboration with esteemed international brands such as Cathay Pacific, GoPro, Sisley Paris, and Zara Wellness. A thrilling revelation is Angela's plan to carry their logos and the South African flag to the summit of Manaslu, elevating them beyond the reach of ordinary planes. 

Most notably, Angela's determination and courage could lead to a historic achievement. Should Angela summit at the highest point on Manaslu, she will become the first woman from South Africa to achieve this feat. In recent times, many climbers have chosen to ascend only after the confirmation of the summit by the renowned Mingma G.

Angela's unwavering dedication is evident, having invested 630 hours in rigorous training and traversed a staggering 540 kilometres in preparation for the climb. While Angela has already injected substantial funding, the centre’s construction necessitates further contributions.

Angela emphasizes, "Our quest for an anti-GBV education centre demands the collective efforts of supporters, followers, climbers, and allies. Together, we will make this vision a reality."

Generous benefactors will be commemorated with a keepsake symbolizing the metaphorical mountains scaled together.

Donations can be made at towards the anti-GBV education centre and bras can be dropped off at one of the collection points.  Please visit for further information.

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Stay connected and join Angela's journey on Facebook and Instagram

For media please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

About Impilo Collection Foundation

Impilo Collection Foundation is a philanthropic organisation dedicated to supporting humanity through awareness #EmpowerHer #EmpowerHim and #EmpowerThem campaigns, fundraising events, and community engagement.

With a commitment to effecting positive change through education and the foundation endeavours to create a world free from violence.


The concept of a home has evolved dramatically over the years. From simple shelters to grand architectural marvels, and now to intelligent living spaces, our homes have mirrored our societal progress. Today, the integration of technology into our residences has given rise to the phenomenon of “smart homes.” But what exactly makes these homes “smart,” and what benefits do they offer?

Enhanced Convenience

One of the most celebrated advantages of smart homes is the unparalleled convenience they offer. Imagine controlling your home’s lighting, temperature, and security systems from a single device or even your voice. The centralised control offered by smart homes means that with a simple command, you can set the mood for a movie night or ensure your home is cozy before you arrive. Furthermore, the power of remote access means that even if you’re miles away on vacation, you can still control and monitor your home right from your smartphone.

Energy Efficiency and Cost Savings

Smart homes are not just about convenience; they’re also about efficiency. With smart thermostats, your home can learn your preferences, adjusting the temperature to ensure comfort while conserving energy. Intelligent lighting systems can dim or turn off when natural light is abundant or rooms are unoccupied. And it’s not just about electricity; smart irrigation systems can ensure your garden is watered based on actual needs, leading to significant water conservation. Over time, these efficiencies translate to tangible cost savings on utility bills.

Improved Security and Safety

Safety and security are paramount in any home, and smart homes elevate these aspects to new heights. With real-time surveillance systems, homeowners can monitor their properties round the clock. Smart locks offer enhanced security, allowing homeowners to grant temporary access to guests and receive notifications about who enters or exits. Moreover, safety alerts for potential dangers like smoke, gas leaks, or water breaches ensure timely interventions, potentially averting disasters. Find a smart home installer here.

Health and Comfort

Our homes are our sanctuaries, and smart homes take this comfort to the next level. Devices that monitor and enhance indoor air quality ensure that residents breathe clean, healthy air. Innovations in sleep technology, like smart beds, adjust conditions for optimal rest. Even the simple act of sunlight streaming in can be automated with smart blinds and curtains, ensuring the right balance of light and privacy.

Seamless Entertainment

Entertainment in a smart home is an immersive experience. Multi-room audio systems can play your favourite tunes throughout the house, creating a harmonious ambiance. Smart TVs, paired with intelligent entertainment systems, not only respond to voice commands but also offer personalised content recommendations, making movie nights even more enjoyable.

Home Maintenance and Monitoring

Maintenance becomes less of a chore in a smart home. Devices can alert homeowners about appliance maintenance schedules or potential malfunctions. Even outdoor tasks, like lawn care, are simplified with smart sprinklers and mowers that operate based on actual lawn health and prevailing weather conditions.

Integration and Customization

The beauty of smart homes lies in their adaptability. Devices from various manufacturers can be interconnected, working in unison. Homeowners can set up personalised scenarios or “routines.” For instance, a “Good Night” routine might dim the lights, lock the doors, and set the thermostat to a cozy temperature, all with a single command.

Environmental Impact

Beyond the walls of the home, smart homes have a broader, positive impact on the environment. Reduced energy consumption means a smaller carbon footprint. Many smart homes also integrate green technologies like solar panels and battery storage, promoting sustainable living and reducing reliance on non-renewable energy sources.


The era of smart homes is not just a fleeting trend; it’s a testament to human innovation and our quest for better living. These intelligent abodes offer a blend of convenience, security, efficiency, and sustainability. As technology continues to advance, it’s exciting to envision the future possibilities of smart living, shaping our lifestyles in ways we’ve only dreamed of.

By Michael Straeuli, Partner & Dominic Harris, Senior Associate at Webber Wentzel

If South Africa were to experience a total grid collapse, parties to a contract may be able to invoke force majeure clauses, or if no such clauses exist, to rely on the law of supervening impossibility

In recent years, uncontrollable and unforeseen events like Covid-19 and the July riots have disrupted commerce in South Africa, often interrupting, or even permanently preventing, a contracting party's ability to perform its contractual obligations.

In 2023, South Africans have experienced the worst year so far of load shedding.  With ever-increasing uncertainty about Eskom’s ability to keep the lights on, the threat of grid collapse is becoming a more probable worst-case scenario. Load shedding is the planned shut-down of the grid to manage load, but grid collapse would be an unplanned total, or partial, interruption or suspension of electrical power supply, resulting in widespread outages across provinces or the entire country for an unknown and unspecified period of time. It could last days or even weeks.

How would grid collapse affect parties' contractual obligations? In this event, the concept of force majeure and the accompanying doctrine of supervening impossibility are relevant.

What is force majeure?

While force majeure generally applies to the aftermath of natural disasters, the concept also covers and may be applicable to, a wide range of events, including wars, insurrection, sabotage, and public riots. Force majeure is a contractual concept, and these clauses exist principally to protect a party to a contract from an event beyond its reasonable control, which subsequently prevents that party from performing its obligations in terms of an agreement.

The safeguarding principle of force majeure is that a party that defaults on its obligations through no fault of its own should not be held liable for that default. A party that successfully invokes force majeure will be released from its contractual obligations, either temporarily or permanently, and will escape any liability that may arise in respect of the "default".

The principle of freedom of contract enables parties to agree to have certain events specifically regarded (or not) as force majeure events under the contract.

It is essential to consider the specific wording of the force majeure clause to determine whether a qualifying event has occurred and to establish a link (referred to as "causation") between the event in question and the actual or potential non-performance of the contract.

To invoke force majeure successfully, performance in terms of the agreement must genuinely and objectively be impossible. The discharge of a party's obligations would not be justified where the event in question simply makes the agreement difficult or uneconomical for the party to perform. Similarly, self-created impossibility would not discharge the party from its obligations in terms of the agreement. South African courts have held that actual foresight, or the reasonable foreseeability, of the event that causes impossibility, may have the effect of ruling out, or indicating tacit acceptance of, the risk of impossibility – thus negating successful reliance on force majeure.

Force majeure and grid collapse

The potentially catastrophic and far-reaching consequences of a grid collapse would arguably be uncertain and unforeseen. Where possible, it would be wise to list grid collapse, and the accompanying foreseeable consequences of such a collapse, as an event of force majeure in a contract to avoid any ensuing uncertainty that could result in its absence.

In many long-term and standard-form contracts, grid collapse may not feature as a listed event. In these circumstances, a party invoking force majeure would have to show that the grid collapse constituted an event beyond its reasonable control, which resulted in performance under the contract becoming impossible, and that the grid collapse (and its consequences) was reasonably unforeseeable.

Usually, these are heavily fact-specific enquiries which depend on the particular circumstances of the case. For example, if two contracting parties have alternative, off-the-grid power supply, and are factually able to perform their respective obligations under a given contract in a grid collapse, it would be ill-advised to invoke force majeure. Where, despite such back-ups being in place, the grid collapse results in the broader telecommunications and banking infrastructure being compromised, force majeure could be relied upon to limit defaults linked to reliance on the broader infrastructure. For example, as a result of the grid collapse, a party may be unable to use banking services to make payments to its counterparty. To further extend the example, if civil disorder occasioned by a grid collapse resulted in the alternative energy supply being looted or otherwise destroyed, making it genuinely impossible for the party to perform, this would constitute a force majeure event (if riots or looting were not already listed events in the contract).

Contracts lacking force majeure clauses

Where no force majeure clause exists in a contract, or the parties do not necessarily have a formal written contract, the common law would assist a party in a similar fashion to a force majeure clause. This protection comes in the form of a legal concept known as a supervening impossibility.  South African courts have determined that, if a party is prevented from performing a contract by irresistible force or unforeseeable accident, it is discharged from liability.  Between them, these two concepts include any event that is unforeseeable with reasonable foresight, and unavoidable with reasonable care.

If successful, a party will be discharged from further performance, while the other party's corresponding right to claim further performance will be extinguished.

In practice, where a contract contains a force majeure clause, the question of supervening impossibility would not be raised, and a party would be well-advised to rely on contractual rights.

Published in Energy and Environment
Monday, 14 August 2023 08:38

Shanaaz Trethewey - Women's Day Q&A

Chief Operating Officer for Comcorp South Africa, a leading software innovator and authentication technology specialists

Shanaaz Trethewey is an inspiration, not only for her leadership and organisational capabilities but also her role as a woman in the tech space.

She is passionate about the role businesses play to service society through technology especially as the reliance on technology is embedded in our thinking, behaviours, and society. She shares her thoughts on women in the tech space.

1. How did you get into the tech space?

I got into the tech space incidentally and also married a software engineer. I had a realisation that everything we do is in some way or form digitally enabled which made her believe the distinction between commercial and technical is not a useful one. We have these differentiated skills within our organisations, but tech is part of our everyday DNA – meaning that to make an impact going forward, it was to immerse myself in understanding this.

2. Why do you love your work and the tech sector?

I love my work and tech sector because it isn’t about coding – it's about how something as dynamic as human challenges are solved. Something that is colourful, and dynamic is converted to a solution and into binary. And that binary could become complex – but it’s empowering to introduce the nugget of value to the world.

To think we have the power to translate what we need into products – by combining what appears to be two ends of the scale is incredibly fascinating.

I love solving problems and taking complexity and making things look simple or at least feel simple. It’s a triumph of our collective intellect.

3. What is you take on the gender gap in the tech sector

I have never let this define my own progress. I can see from the stats that there is a divide and a gap…one that is slowly being reduced. The growth and pervasive nature of tech will help reduce this. If we think it’s about sitting in a corner and spitting out zeros and ones, then I think it's going to be a niche skill set and extract very specific people – gender aside.

However, the social, and interactive dynamic that tech represents today, offers everyone an opportunity- across gender, across skillsets and across socio-economic categories to play a role in defining what it looks like in the future.

4. How can women positively impact the gender gap or in general in the tech sector?

Collaboration and sharing is important and being accessible to each other. Being brave to show that perhaps a different perspective is not wrong, but rather creates a stronger solution. The journey of any progress starts with defining what it is for you, and then working from there. My definition of tech and platforms could be vastly different from the other. But as long as we can show how they work together, and how it makes for a better product, we can create the jobs of the future and carve out the roles that come with the uniqueness of who you identify as.

5. What are your views and own way of doing the groundwork that future generations of women will benefit from?

Being authentic and unapologetically me. By modelling this and remaining resilient I can deliver what I can in the best way possible. There is a great deal of emphasis on what others say and what people do; a sense of social pressures that make us believe that we should look or act a certain way. And although I fundamentally believe we should conform to certain etiquettes to enable us to work together – being anything other than yourself could mean we are enabling future generations to be a “canned” society. Creativity and problem solving comes from being authentic and learning how to make the differences between us count positively. And that includes gender.

6. How should young females view the tech sector as?

An opportunity to express problem solving, innovation towards solving some real human challenges. It’s exciting to know that something that has come from a mere idea can make an impact at scale - it’s incredible. It’s about being a part of something bigger, and understanding that the limit is oneself as opposed to physical strength or what you look like. In a knowledge world, there are no limits. And for this reason, it’s a place with the most opportunity to flourish.

7. What is your best advice to other women - and also may be Tips on how to get into the sector? Or tips on how to grow and find their own niche.

Conformity gets you only so far, whilst authenticity takes you all the way. Listen more and be clear on how what you have to say translates to another person. In respecting others, you are respecting yourself. If faced with criticism or difficulty, I remind myself that what we do today will make tomorrow easier. And what I learn today will strengthen my tolerance and perspective tomorrow.

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Media Contact:
Nadia Hearn 
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Johannesburg 10th August - Inspired Schools South Africa, a leading educational institution committed to providing uninterrupted learning experiences, is excited to announce its collaboration with a highly reputable and well-known engineering company for a major solar energy project. This initiative aims to mitigate the effects of load shedding and drive the adoption of renewable energy, ensuring uninterrupted learning for students.

The solar energy project, scheduled to commence in September and expected to be completed by December, represents a significant step towards reducing the institution's reliance on the national power grid. By harnessing the power of the sun, Inspired Schools South Africa is taking proactive measures to combat the challenges posed by load shedding and promote sustainable energy solutions.

Inspired Schools South Africa has enlisted the services of a highly regarded engineering company, renowned for its expertise in renewable energy solutions and successful implementation of large-scale projects across the African Continent as well in Europe. With their extensive experience and technical proficiency, the engineering company will oversee the design, installation, and maintenance of the solar energy system at all 11 of its schools in South Africa.

The rollout of this groundbreaking solar energy project will involve the installation of cutting-edge solar panels and large-scale lithium batteries across our schools’ campuses. These panels will generate clean and sustainable electricity, ensuring uninterrupted power supply during load shedding periods. By embracing renewable energy, Inspired Schools South Africa is not only mitigating the effects of load shedding but also reducing its carbon footprint and contributing to a greener future.

Ravi Nadasen, CEO Africa at Inspired Schools, says, “By adopting renewable energy solutions, we are taking proactive steps to provide uninterrupted learning experiences for our students, even during challenging times. This project aligns perfectly with our commitment to sustainability and our dedication to preparing our students for a future driven by renewable energy."

Inspired Schools South Africa's solar energy project represents a significant investment in the institution's commitment to uninterrupted learning and sustainability. By embracing renewable energy solutions, the institution is setting an example for other educational institutions and the wider community, inspiring them to prioritise uninterrupted learning and adopt environmentally friendly practices.

Inspired Schools South Africa is a leading educational institution dedicated to providing quality education and ensuring uninterrupted learning experiences for students. Committed to sustainability, Inspired Schools South Africa strives to integrate eco-friendly practices into its operations and curriculum, empowering students to become responsible global citizens.

For more information, visit and click on Africa & Middle East link.

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MEDIA INTERVIEWS: For spokesperson interview requests, please contact Vanessa Naudé at Strategic Public Relations on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 083 271 6000 (WhatsApp only).

About Inspired Education Group
Inspired Education Group is a leading global premium schools group operating in Europe, Asia-Pacific, Africa, the Middle East, and Latin America, educating over 80,000 students in over 111 schools across 24 countries. It is a co-educational, non-denominational, independent school group designed to inspire students to achieve their maximum potential in a nurturing, progressive academic environment from ages one to 18. All the Inspired schools are individually developed and designed in response to their environment and location, delivering an excellent education to their respective communities. For more information go to:

Published in Science and Education

Recycling is more than just a trendy catchphrase; it’s a pivotal component of sustainable waste management that plays a crucial role in safeguarding our environment. In a world grappling with mounting waste and dwindling resources, the significance of recycling cannot be overstated. This article delves into the multifaceted importance of recycling, exploring its far-reaching benefits for individuals, communities, and the planet as a whole.

Conservation of Natural Resources

Amidst the backdrop of rapidly depleting natural resources, recycling emerges as a beacon of hope. By recycling materials like paper, metals, and plastics, we curb the voracious demand for raw materials. This, in turn, minimizes the need for resource-intensive extraction processes that contribute to deforestation, habitat destruction, and ecological imbalances. Recycling breathes new life into materials that would otherwise end up discarded, paving the way for a more sustainable future.

Reduction of Energy Consumption

The journey from raw material extraction to finished product often entails energy-intensive processes that exact a toll on our environment. Here, recycling steps in as a remarkable solution. It requires significantly less energy compared to the production of items from scratch. Consider the energy savings achieved when recycling aluminum—an astonishing 95% less energy is required than producing aluminum from bauxite ore. By recycling, we not only conserve resources but also alleviate the strain on our energy infrastructure.

Mitigation of Environmental Impact

Landfills, vast expanses of discarded waste, represent a ticking time bomb for our environment. Recycling acts as a potent antidote to this looming crisis. By diverting materials from landfills, we curb the release of harmful gases like methane, a potent contributor to global warming. Furthermore, recycling reduces the need for resource extraction, curbing pollution and habitat destruction. With each recycled item, we take a significant step toward preserving our planet’s delicate ecological balance.

Contribution to Climate Change Mitigation

The fight against climate change requires multifaceted strategies, and recycling stands tall as a formidable ally. Recycling’s role in reducing carbon emissions is nothing short of remarkable. Through recycling, we trim the carbon footprint of manufacturing processes, thereby curbing greenhouse gas emissions. By adopting recycling practices, we contribute to the global endeavor of mitigating climate change, inching ever closer to a more sustainable future.

Economic Benefits

Recycling isn’t just an environmentally conscious choice; it’s also a smart financial decision. The recycling industry is a wellspring of employment opportunities, offering jobs in areas like collection, processing, and manufacturing. Moreover, recycling brings tangible economic benefits, saving businesses and municipalities substantial sums on waste disposal costs. In fact, a study by the Institute for Local Self-Reliance found that recycling generates ten times more jobs per ton of waste compared to landfilling.

Promotion of Sustainable Consumer Behavior

Recycling is a catalyst for positive change that extends beyond the confines of waste management. It serves as a powerful vehicle for promoting sustainable consumer behavior. By recycling, we align our actions with our values, fostering a sense of responsibility and mindfulness. This shift towards conscious consumption permeates other aspects of our lives, encouraging us to make environmentally sound choices in all areas.

Reduction of Pollution and Litter

Littered landscapes and polluted water bodies bear the unsightly scars of inadequate waste management. Recycling offers a reprieve from this grim reality. By properly disposing of waste through recycling channels, we prevent litter from accumulating in public spaces, enhancing the aesthetics of our communities. Furthermore, recycling keeps pollutants out of soil and water, safeguarding the health of our ecosystems and the organisms that inhabit them.

Preserving Biodiversity and Ecosystem Health

The interconnectedness of waste management and ecosystem health cannot be overstated. Recycling emerges as a champion of biodiversity, sparing countless species from the ravages of discarded waste. Proper waste disposal prevents toxins from infiltrating our soil and water, preserving the delicate balance of ecosystems. Consider plastic waste, which poses a significant threat to marine life; through recycling, we intercept this peril, ensuring that our oceans remain vibrant and teeming with life.

Empowerment of Future Generations

The impact of recycling reaches beyond the present moment, leaving a lasting legacy for generations to come. By educating our children about the importance of recycling, we equip them with the tools to become responsible stewards of the planet. This empowerment paves the way for innovative solutions, inspiring the next generation to address environmental challenges head-on. Through recycling, we instill a sense of purpose and responsibility, ensuring that our planet remains a thriving habitat for all.


In a world at the crossroads of environmental challenges, recycling emerges as a beacon of hope and a catalyst for transformative change. Its impact ripples through every facet of our lives, conserving resources, curbing pollution, and mitigating climate change. The importance of recycling extends beyond individual actions; it fosters a collective commitment to a brighter, more sustainable future. Let us seize this opportunity, break free from the chains of waste, and embrace recycling as a powerful tool for preserving our planet for ourselves and generations yet to come.

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Published in Energy and Environment
Thursday, 03 August 2023 08:53

Shanaaz Trethewey - Women's Day Q&A

Chief Operating Officer for Comcorp South Africa, a leading software innovator and authentication technology specialists.

Shanaaz Trethewey is an inspiration, not only for her leadership and organisational capabilities but also her role as a woman in the tech space. 

She is passionate about the role businesses play to service society through technology especially as the reliance on technology is embedded in our thinking, behaviours, and society. She shares her thoughts on women in the tech space.

1. How did you get into the tech space?

I got into the tech space incidentally and also married a software engineer. I had a realisation that everything we do is in some way or form digitally enabled which made her believe the distinction between commercial and technical is not a useful one.  We have these differentiated skills within our organisations, but tech is part of our everyday DNA – meaning that to make an impact going forward, it was to immerse myself in understanding this.

2. Why do you love your work and the tech sector?

I love my work and tech sector because it isn’t about coding – it's about how something as dynamic as human challenges are solved.  Something that is colourful, and dynamic is converted to a solution and into binary.  And that binary could become complex – but it’s empowering to introduce the nugget of value to the world.

To think we have the power to translate what we need into products – by combining what appears to be two ends of the scale is incredibly fascinating.

I love solving problems and taking complexity and making things look simple or at least feel simple.  It’s a triumph of our collective intellect.

3. What is you take on the gender gap in the tech sector

I have never let this define my own progress.  I can see from the stats that there is a divide and a gap…one that is slowly being reduced. The growth and pervasive nature of tech will help reduce this. If we think it’s about sitting in a corner and spitting out zeros and ones, then I think it's going to be a niche skill set and extract very specific people – gender aside.

However, the social, and interactive dynamic that tech represents today, offers everyone an opportunity- across gender, across skillsets and across socio-economic categories to play a role in defining what it looks like in the future.

4. How can women positively impact the gender gap or in general in the tech sector?

Collaboration and sharing is important and being accessible to each other. Being brave to show that perhaps a different perspective is not wrong, but rather creates a stronger solution. The journey of any progress starts with defining what it is for you, and then working from there.  My definition of tech and platforms could be vastly different from the other.  But as long as we can show how they work together, and how it makes for a better product, we can create the jobs of the future and carve out the roles that come with the uniqueness of who you identify as.

5. What are your views and own way of doing the groundwork that future generations of women will benefit from?

Being authentic and unapologetically me. By modelling this and remaining resilient I can deliver what I can in the best way possible. There is a great deal of emphasis on what others say and what people do; a sense of social pressures that make us believe that we should look or act a certain way.  And although I fundamentally believe we should conform to certain etiquettes to enable us to work together – being anything other than yourself could mean we are enabling future generations to be a “canned” society.  Creativity and problem solving comes from being authentic and learning how to make the differences between us count positively.  And that includes gender.

6. How should young females view the tech sector as?

An opportunity to express problem solving, innovation towards solving some real human challenges. It’s exciting to know that something that has come from a mere idea can make an impact at scale - it’s incredible. It’s about being a part of something bigger, and understanding that the limit is oneself as opposed to physical strength or what you look like. In a knowledge world, there are no limits.  And for this reason, it’s a place with the most opportunity to flourish.

7. What is your best advice to other women - and also may be Tips on how to get into the sector? Or tips on how to grow and find their own niche.

Conformity gets you only so far, whilst authenticity takes you all the way. Listen more and be clear on how what you have to say translates to another person. In respecting others, you are respecting yourself.  If faced with criticism or difficulty, I remind myself that what we do today will make tomorrow easier.  And what I learn today will strengthen my tolerance and perspective tomorrow.

Tim Berners-Lee, a British computer programmer, proposed the concept of an ‘information management system’ in 1989. This idea was the first step towards the World Wide Web, which essentially became the backbone of the 21st century.

World Wide Web Day, celebrated on the 1st of August, recognises the growth of this innovation over the past 34 years. How it has driven the information age, given a voice to underrepresented groups and made our everyday lives easier to navigate. 

As a cyber security expert, I have witnessed the rapid growth of the internet and the increasing reliance on technology for communication, commerce, and even healthcare. Unfortunately, this growth has also coincided with an upward trend that sees cybercriminals continuously innovate to find new ways to penetrate and exploit systems. 

Not only does this result in financial losses for individuals and businesses, but it compromises sensitive information and erodes trust in online platforms. 

This article explores how a few common cybercrime types have evolved - offering a few tried-and-true methods for safeguarding your data and systems in today's digital world.

Identity Theft

THEN: In the early days, identity theft on the internet was not common. Most of the time, personally identifiable information was stolen by taking someone’s wallet, going through the trash, or listening in on talks.

NOW: Identity theft is a serious problem. Cybercriminals are getting more sophisticated and determined to sell your personal information on the dark Web.  

Protect yourself against identity theft by; 

  • improving your phishing detection skills, 
  • deleting online accounts, you no longer use,
  • being careful about what you share on social media, and
  • learning how to recognise the warning signs that indicate that your identity might have been stolen.

Device Security 

THEN: With technology still evolving, desktop security was likely your only concern. And as long as you didn’t leave your password written down somewhere for all to see, and avoided downloading dangerous software, your data would be safe.  

NOW: Operating across multiple devices is the norm for most. And with the average person’s data likely shared across a cell phone, tablet and laptop, the risk of becoming a victim increases.

This is what you can do to protect your data. 

  • Smart passwords 
  • Manage your security settings
  • A VPN for devices guards against attacks
  • Know your habits and what protects you

Malware and Viruses vs Phishing

THEN: It was almost no surprise when one's computer failed, and a virus of the cyber kind was discovered. It was generally the result of illicitly downloading pirated music or films or clicking on pop-up ads from sites known for spreading harmful malware.  

NOW: Today, these threats are disguised through phishing, a technique in which dangerous software is concealed within legitimate-looking electronic correspondences (email, text, or direct message). And in response to people becoming wiser in protecting themselves, cybercriminals have turned to using false authority and emotional manipulation to convince unsuspecting consumers to click on unsafe links and reveal personal information. 

Try these tips to protect against the cost of phishing;

  • Don’t rush. Take your time to think about what is being asked of you. It’s better to avoid a suspicious message than to fall into its trap. 
  • Check the official source.  If it is a company you deal with regularly, call them or send a separate email to confirm that their request is legit. 
  • Prevention is better than cure. Use protection software that safeguards against viruses, malware, and newer threats like ransomware and phishing.

As we look to the future, it is clear that cyber security will only become more important. With the growth of the Internet of Things (IoT), the increasing reliance on cloud computing, and the rise of AI, we must be vigilant and innovative in our efforts to protect against cyber threats.

Pretect is one such innovation. Developed and powered by Magix, this customisable cybersecurity partnership helps businesses of any size proactively manage their digital security – at a fraction of the cost.

It takes a comprehensive approach to detecting and preventing cyber threats. More so, it provides ongoing support and training to educate employees to understand their role in securing your data and their own.

World Wide Web inventor Tim Berners-Lee said, “Data is a precious thing and will last longer than the systems themselves.”  

This is a powerful reminder of the importance of data and its potential to shape the future. It is crucial that we use it ethically and responsibly. By doing so, we can ensure that the data we collect and protect today will continue to be a valuable resource for generations to come.

By Kevin Wotshela, Managing Director, Magix Africa 


Magix is a South African company which delivers comprehensive and trusted Cybercrime Defense and Detection services to address, manage, and contain the risks and potential damage posed through the misuse of applications, or other IT information assets, by employees and/or third parties. With over 20 years of experience in cyber security and compliance, Magix is led by industry experts who continue to innovate whilst demystifying cyber security.

Sanine Baird | 083 274 4959 | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

With escalating environmental challenges, architecture is evolving to incorporate sustainability into modern housing plans. This shift has catalysed a surge of housing designs focusing on environmental preservation, energy efficiency, and eco-friendly practices.

Understanding Sustainable Architecture

Sustainable architecture denotes the design of buildings aimed at minimising environmental impact through the conservation of resources and reduction of waste and emissions. Central principles of sustainability in architecture encompass the efficient utilisation of energy, water, and other resources, enhancement of occupant health, and mitigation of waste, pollution, and environmental degradation.

Benefits of Eco-Friendly Housing Plans

Environmental Benefits

Sustainable housing plans curtail the environmental footprint by optimising natural resources use and waste minimisation. Green architecture regularly includes renewable energy sources, water-saving techniques, and designs that reduce reliance on artificial lighting and heating.

Economic Benefits

Eco-friendly homes often result in financial savings for homeowners. Diminished energy use equates to lower utility bills, while the deployment of durable, recycled materials can reduce maintenance costs.

Social Benefits

Sustainable housing plans also foster healthier living environments. Designs often feature increased natural light and non-toxic materials, contributing to improved indoor air quality.

Case Studies: Modern Sustainable Housing Plans

A prime example of sustainable architecture is the Bullitt Center in Seattle, deemed the “greenest commercial building in the world.” The building embodies sustainable principles with features like a rainwater-to-potable-water system, composting toilets, and a solar energy array. The successful realisation of these practices demonstrates that sustainability can be integrated without compromising on design or functionality.

The Role of Housingplans in Promoting Sustainable Architecture

At Housingplans, sustainability is central to design philosophy. The team strives to create housing plans that not only fulfil client requirements but also make a positive environmental impact. A recent project involved designing a residential home using passive solar design, efficient insulation, and rainwater harvesting. This approach drastically reduced the home’s environmental footprint while providing a comfortable, stylish living space.

Future of Sustainable Architecture

Sustainability in architecture is more than a fleeting trend – it is a crucial shift needed for the planet’s future. Predicted trends include more extensive integration of renewable energy sources into housing designs, increased use of recycled materials, and exploration of designs that harmonise with nature.


In conclusion, modern housing plans that prioritise sustainability deliver environmental benefits and generate economic and social advantages for residents. Given the growing necessity to mitigate the environmental impacts of the built environment, eco-friendly housing designs become increasingly critical. Housingplans is proud to be a part of this essential movement towards more sustainable living.

For more information or to discuss a sustainable project, potential clients are invited to reach out to the Housingplans team.

Contact Information

For more information or to begin a project with Housingplans, please contact them here. They look forward to making eco-friendly dream homes a reality! View their fees here.