18 August 2023

Theft of and out of motor vehicles on the increase in Pretoria area

Submitted by: Jacqui

Fidelity ADT has issued a warning to all motorists that there has been a spike in theft of, and out of, motor vehicles at shopping centres and sports events in the Pretoria area.

This week alone there were eleven reported incidents. Cars in shopping malls are also at high risk. The majority of incidents are taking place during the day and much of it appears opportunistic.

“The majority of the thefts happened at school sports events and at shopping centres. Criminals are aware shoppers have a car full of newly-purchased items and are generally easy, distracted targets.

Awareness is your most effective defence. Keep an eye out for any suspicious vehicles that may be following you and if in doubt, drive to your nearest police station or security provider guard house,” says Charnel Hattingh Group head of communications & marketing at Fidelity ADT.

Hattingh offers motorists the following tips to avoid becoming a victim of this crime:

  • Always be aware of your surroundings - this applies to any public parking areas or even if you park on the road outside a property.
  • Report any suspicious activity
  • Do not leave valuables in an unattended vehicle. If you have to ensure they are in the boot.
  • Never push the remote locking device whilst walking away from the vehicle
  • Check that the vehicle is locked by testing the door
  • Ensure the boot is locked
  • Avoid shopping late in at night

“Criminals depend on their targets being distracted. It is when people aren’t paying attention that they become easy targets for would-be thieves. Trust your instincts and call for help if you feel unsafe or unsure,” says Hattingh.

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COMPILED ON BEHALF OF ADT BY CATHY FINDLEY PUBLIC RELATIONS. FOR MEDIA QUERIES CONTACT JACQUI MOLOI AT 0717648233OR EMAIL This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.