25 July 2017

FCB Cape Town's '#ItCanWait' campaign goes viral

Submitted by: MyPressportal Team
FCB Cape Town's '#ItCanWait' campaign goes viral

A video campaign created by FCB Cape Town for the Western Cape Government as part of its '#ItCanWait' campaign has gone viral and is attracting comments and shares from around the world.

Created by FCB Cape Town’s executive creative officer Mike Barnwell, art director Dylan Davies, and copywriter Alistair Morgan, with additional footage from Jason Fielkov of Egg Films, the video has received a number of views since being uploaded on Friday, 14 July.

The upload to the Mail Online site has been viewed 23 000 000 times. On Gorilla Creation’s Facebook page, it's been viewed 1 500 000 times. On a Chinese Facebooksite (Teng Tsen Khoo) it’s been viewed 1 500 000 times. On the FCB Cape Town YouTube site, it’s been viewed 385 000 times, and on the WCG site, it’s been viewed 415 000 times.

The campaign consists of a collection of clips of people walking into objects, falling down stairs, and tripping over obstacles while focussing on their phones instead of where they are going.

Within a few seconds, it shows a shot of a woman attempting to text while driving her car. She crashes the car and is shown being thrown about by its momentum as it rolls and flips. The message of the campaign is clear – 'You can't even text and walk. So why do you text and drive?' 

A Western Cape Government spokesman says, "As the National Safety Council points out, brain activity in the areas that process moving images decreases by over 33% when we are working our phones. This means that we effectively become partially blind when we use our cell-phone while driving, which leads to collisions, which can result in deaths and serious injuries. There is no call, and certainly no text message, so important that it is worth a human life. It can wait."

You can watch FCB Cape Town's '#ItCanWait' campaign here.

For more information, visit www.fcb.co.za. Alternatively, connect with them on Facebook or on Twitter.