30 April 2024

Discover A Holistic Approach To Early Childhood Developmmet At This Open Day

Submitted by: Tyler Oliver
Discover A Holistic Approach To Early Childhood Developmmet At This Open Day

Dibber International Preschools, a leader in early childhood education based on the Nordic model and international standards, is excited to announce an upcoming Open Day on May 11, 2024. This event, held at all Dibber schools, will offer parents a unique opportunity to learn more about the preschools' educational philosophy, including a holistic approach to child nutrition and development.

Ursula Assis, Country Director of Dibber International Preschools, emphasises the importance of early childhood development and literacy in shaping the futures of young learners. "At Dibber, we believe that a well-rounded education begins with the basics, which includes literacy and cognitive skills and well-rounded  practices like mindful eating," says Assis. "Our Open Day will provide insights into how we incorporate mindfulness into our curriculum, fostering healthy habits from an early age."

The Importance of Mindful Eating in Early Education

Mindful eating is a practice that involves being fully attentive to one's food and using all senses to enjoy and appreciate meals. At Dibber, cultivating this habit in young children can significantly improve their lifelong health and well-being. Assis notes, "By teaching children to engage with their food mindfully, we are helping them to develop healthy eating habits that will serve them well throughout their lives."

During the Open Day, parents will be introduced to the Dibber Meal Concept, which focuses on nutritious, seed-to-spoon meals that are integral to our educational approach. "Nutrition is as vital to a child's development as any academic subject," Assis states. "Our meal concept is designed to nurture not just the body but also the mind, making every meal an opportunity for learning and growth."

Activities and Benefits for Attendees

The Open Day will feature a variety of programmes and activities, including insight into mindful eating and its benefits for children, such as:

Enhancing sensory experiences and appreciation for food.Recognising hunger cues to prevent overeating.Promoting better digestion through thorough chewing.

In addition to learning about our educational programs and nutritional philosophy, parents attending the Open Day will benefit from a reduced registration rate for their children. This offer is part of Dibber's commitment to making quality early childhood education accessible to more families.

Join Us to Learn More

We invite all interested parents and caregivers to the Dibber International Preschools Open Day to discover how our holistic approach to early childhood education can benefit your child. For more details about the event and to reserve your spot, please visit our website.

"Understanding and nurturing the connection between body and mind from an early age is crucial," concludes Assis. "We look forward to meeting new families and sharing how Dibber schools foster academic excellence and lifelong healthy habits."

To book please visit https://www.dibber.co.za/