23 June 2008

Netcampus launches exciting Call Centre Training Certification

Submitted by: Donna Stephen
{pp}Netcampus, in partnership with Microsoft, has developed a job skills and job placement program in the rapidly growing Call Centre industry. This new certification, Certified Contact Centre Professional, or C3P, is designed to train and supply contact centres with highly qualified and comprehensively trained personnel.
The Certified Contact Centre Professional skills training and job placement program, or C3P, is developed and presented, both off and online, by Netcampus.

Why Call Centre Certification?

South Africa's Call Centre industry is 2,5 times the size of the industry in Ireland, formerly thought of as the world's call centre leader, and rates more highly than another giant in this industry, India, for quality of service. The 2006/7 Deloitte report on the Western Cape Contact Centre industry, stated that there are approximately 60 000 employees presently working in this industry in the Western Cape. Along with an annual growth rate of 54%, this is one of the fastest growing employment sectors in South Africa.

This means that there is a massive demand for qualified personnel. It is further estimated that the national employment figures currently exceed 200 000 operators and is expected to grow by another 100 000 in 2009.

This new Netcampus initiative is geared towards training competent contact centre professionals within South Africa to fill the many vacancies in this sector.

How the program works

The C3P, Certified Contact Centre Professional program has been specifically developed by Netcampus, in partnership with Microsoft, to service this growing industry. The resultant training program and the Contact Centre Professional Certification is designed to train prospective contact centre consultants in all the areas where skills and competency are required.

As a first step, candidates are screened via an enrolment and interview process.

The course itself utilises blended learning, which is a combination of Collaborative Learning (http://www.netcampus.com/Web/V3/WhyChooseNetcampus.aspx?Page=MethodologyAndDelivery) and Instructor Led Training. Students spend four weeks in intensive training in the various areas of competency required of call centre personnel.

The training is industry recognised and accepted and if statistics are to be believed there is a growing need for more all-inclusive training in what is becoming a competitive industry, internationally.

The entire program includes both the comprehensive four week training program and an actual job placement upon the successful completion of certification exams. International exams must be written, but the subsidisation of the program means that students who pass do not have to pay.

The course cost pitches it extremely accessibly to young people. This is made possible by the subsidisation of course costs by Netcampus and Microsoft.

Registration is R1 500 and the course fees, a remainder of R3 500, are due upon commencing work at the job you've been placed in at the end of the program.

Contact Information:
Phone: 021 910 2000
Fax: 021 910 2197
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Published in Science and Education